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 High Temperature Chain Oil
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High Temperature Chain Oil
Synthetic High Temperature Chain Oil 440A

This product has a high viscosity index, and good viscosity temperatureproperties, heat setti
ng machine can meet the requirements of requirements of high temperature lubrication,Can
 guarantee thatat room temperature, the start-up; has a high flash point, heat setting machine
 can guarantee security; with the thermal oxidation decomposes under the conditions, cracki
 ng intothe performanc of small molecules that stereotypes carbon chains and very fe tracks,
and Qing Jiao easy; This product is not easy times caused by greasecloth, generally run abo
ut one year.

This product is suitable for the domestic textile industry,M751M771, ZH921-and renewed, 
sub-alumina, power root,Heat setting machine,and the introduction of rail SST resin finishi
ngmachines, chain lubrication. Maximum temperature: 230¡æ

Use, description:
1.In the storage and use, should be to prevent impurities and water mix.
2.Do not mix with other oil products.
3.This product has some evaporation loss at high temperatures, the use of stereotypes   
to pay special attention to open theair duct,Accident.

www.prestige-oil.com U.S.PRESTIGE INTERNATIONAL OIL CORP. All Rights reserved